Friday, October 12, 2007

...for the love of smoke

With a recent thought i 'm having of quitting this BAD-bad-bad habit, numerous images and scenes from our recent smoking culture popped into my mind. It didn't take long for this masculine habit to expand and reign in women's hands. And through les femmes, media redetermined this action and the up-to-now symbolism became more of a stylish attitude and a type of seductive sensuality.
Definitely that's not the reason why i started enjoying the sound of my own inhaillings, but there are times when smoking accentuates indeed some feelings and feels like the necessary way in order to reach the "aesthetic result" you 're aiming at- whether it 's an image of anger, anxiety, deep thought, inspiration, sensuality, absent-mindedness.. In this way, somehow, smoking has been closely related to iconic figures of both the film industry and the arts and literature.

Ladies Nicotine in action:


Char Ruiz Manjarrez said...

Yeah smoking can sometimes be so glamorous but it makes my eyes watery!


Ella Gregory said...

I could never smoke but it does look so cool sometimes
I'm not sure why but it just does

WendyB said...

Ah, the best cinematic cigarette image is the scene between Bette Davis and Paul Henreid in "Now, Voyager."

Fenke said...

i quit smoking three years ago, but when i see someone smoking in a movie i also think 'uh.. how stylish'. luckily i am stil disgusted at actual smoke.

great music btw!
wanna exchange links:-)?