Saturday, March 8, 2008


now ships in the EU (within 5 working days and £5 delivery charge).

Edit: When Topshop announces WE NOW SHIP TO , what they actually mean is that they started shipping in some of the EU countries. (Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark, Italy only.)

Thank you to NonchalantMod for noticing that Greece is not on the Topshop shipping-map.


Mónica said...

Oh my God, I wish you never had said us that... I am going to be ruined. I love Topshop. Thanks for sharing, really.

discotheque confusion said...

wow, your blog is looking so great at the moment.
love the header; very pretty and vaguely creepy! (thats a compliment!)

I guess its easy to take topshop for granted as I live in the UK, but hoorah, more sharing!

Monika said...

does topshop deliver to Austria too?

Miss at la Playa said...

i'm looking if they sail to spain right now... good news for the us residents! :)

Ella Gregory said...

though I can just go down the road to get it hahaha

Eva. said...


you are kidding right????

oh, i love you for saying this.
Greece included.. right????

NonchalantMod said...

yay! finally..

all I am saying is
they made the right decision becuase i am going to be a great customer!

Monika said...

thanks for your answer on my blog! and to answer your question - yes, i'm modeling ;-) - but I stopped for a few months.

NonchalantMod said...

eugh; i just realized that they don't ship to Greece.. :(

NonchalantMod said...

ali8eia?? exun sto SHOP? den exw paei pote, pos ine i times genikotera? egw distixws ta dika mu ta pira apo to Urban Outfitters stin agglia :(

Hildur said...

oh, I've been hoping that I could order from Topshop online. but I guess not :(
we have two topshop stores in iceland, but i never see the stuff on the website in store.

Susana Rodrigues said...

I like Topshop very much but unfortunately there's no stores here!

Jenny Cindy said...

That's amazing news...except that they forgot about Switzerland *pout* My heart skipped a beat as I read this here but then I read further and bang no Switzerland. >.< How sad it that??! I've been wating for them to ship to Europe for so long and now they do it but only to some selected countries. Oh well, I guess this at least keeps me from spending even more money on clothes than I already am.