Sunday, August 3, 2008

Vacances (:

In four hours i 'm leaving on vacation with my 7 girlfriends! I am going to be away for a week but until then i didn't want to leave you without saying au revoir. I also promiss i will bring you doses of sea and sushine so that you smell and feel the greek summer. But for those of you who are not on vacation and probably stuck in the city here 's a little present before the real one!

Candace Meyer

Tim Walker

Stefania Paparelli

Wendy Bevan

Corinne Day

Dan Martensen

*the last pic is dedicated to my dear onomatopoeia who decided to quit blogging unfortunately for all of us and through whom i learned so many things and got inspired so many times.
Au revoir cherie (:


Ella Gregory said...

Have a great holiday! You will be missed for the week.

María said...

Have fun! The pics you chose are great. I am going to miss soir-de-fête too :(


Have a fantastic holiday and get up to lots of fun!


Mónica said...

I guess I am late, but anyway, I hope you are having great holidays, and I am sure you will because when you go with friends it's always nice.

I am looking forward to seeing your pics!

Jessica said...

I'm sure i am a little late but...have a good one !
Can't wait to see some pics and hear the juicy details !

loveology said...

Goegeous gorgeous!
Really stunning pictures, made me dream away for a few minutes.

Oh and i absolutely love your header, it's so creative and interesting to look at.

Hope you have a great time!

:) Mila.

mmr said...

awww, thank you so much!

I hope you have an absolutely wonderful vacation!

discotheque confusion said...

i'm soso sad that oonomatepoeia's blog is no more.

it was so beautiful.

and thank you for this post; the images are spot on, you have just the same taste as me!

have fun! 8 girls on holiday together? eesh!

Unknown said...

Hope you are having fun wherever you are. I am having fun looking at your choice of photos rather than going to bed. Oh dear..

Thu said...

definitely love the last picture.

Fashionstyle said...

Just beautiful...

Unknown said...

Cute blog!!!

Merily said...

Those photos are DIVINE, D I V I N E!

AMIT said...

Beautiful lovely stylish pictures.

Lingerie directory

Sofía Premat said...

lets go!

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